Workshops & Community Connections


AIEA/Diversity Abroad Workshop: Navigating the DEIB Landscape: Strategies for SIOs
Tuesday, January 23; 2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. ET

In an era marked by global interconnectivity, SIOs bear a unique responsibility in shaping the landscape of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) on their campuses and in international education. This interactive workshop invites SIOs to engage in a dynamic exploration of contemporary DEIB issues crucial to their roles. Participants will delve into strategies for allocating resources and assessing the impact of DEIB initiatives, ensuring sustainable commitment to these principles. They will also discuss internal and external stakeholders positioned to collaborate on opportunities to advance DEIB priorities effectively. In a world where DEIB efforts may face political risks, SIOs will discuss the importance of resilient leadership and advocacy to maintain these priorities. This workshop empowers SIOs with actionable insights and a peer network dedicated to fostering inclusive, equitable, and globally connected educational environments. Join us in navigating the DEIB landscape and shaping the future of higher and international education.

Participants will:

- Be able to articulate the core principles of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) in the context of higher education and international education, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of their significance and relevance to their roles as Senior International Officers (SIOs).
- Develop the skills to strategically allocate resources, assess the impact of DEIB initiatives, and align budgeting and assessment practices with DEIB goals in their institutions. They will gain insights into practical strategies and best practices for implementing DEIB initiatives effectively.
- Acquire the knowledge and tools to build meaningful partnerships with key internal and external stakeholders to advance DEIB priorities in higher education. Additionally, they will explore
ways to navigate political challenges, sustain DEIB efforts, and champion DEIB principles with resilience and effective leadership.

Chair: Lily Lopez-McGee
Presenter: Andrew Gordon

AIEA Workshop: Becoming an SIO: What You Need to Know
Tuesday, January 23; 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. ET

This AIEA workshop will offer emerging international education leaders a critical professional opportunity for leadership development. Several Senior International Officers will share their experiences and discuss the skills, knowledge, and strategies for career advancement into the rank of SIOs. A roundtable and breakout room sessions will prepare participants to position themselves better for understanding the opportunities, challenges, and pathways to lead international education or global engagement in higher education.

Participants will:

- Learn about the roles and responsibilities of Senior International Officer in Higher Education
- Explore strategies for professional development and growth to apply for positions of SIOs and Deputy SIOs

Chair: Matthew Pucciarelli
Presenters: Jennifer Evanuik, Kalpen Trivedi, Wing-Kai To

(NOTE- this workshop - Becoming an SIO -  has a special price of $25 regardless of member status or registration deadline)

AIEA Workshop: Internationalization as if the Planet Mattered: Strategy and Policy that Makes Programming and Global Learning Eco-literate and Sustainable
Thursday, January 25; 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. ET

Make no mistake! … what constitutes a quality international education has already changed and students know it! And while Intercultural Competence-the gold-standard learning outcome of international education since the war ended in 1945-retains its central importance, ethically grounded and career-oriented learning in the Anthropocene must now embrace three new core developmental outcomes: knowledge of planetary boundaries, understanding of human welfare as articulated by UN SDGs, and strategies of individual and public action that lead humanity through the looming Earth crisis.

This workshop provides you, the SIO, with everything you need to know and do to serve as the eco-literate and climate-action oriented professional you must become to lead in today's entirely new educational landscape. From frameworks of eco-competencies to techniques of carbon accounting, from high-impact teaching and learning eco-pedagogies to strategies and tools for assessing student sustainability knowledge-this workshop empowers you to view internationalization and global learning through the deep green lens of Earth sustainability. This is the only education students care about--and they are right!-because it's the only education that now matters. Join the movement and align your internationalization strategy to both planetary boundaries and radically altered student expectations.

Participants will:

- Appreciate structural and conceptual issues/challenges vis-à-vis traditional internationalization in light of the Earth crisis
- Reconsider the role and responsibility of the SIO as henceforth including leadership in fostering eco-literacy
- Identify policies and strategies for changing stakeholder mindsets and behaviors towards sustainability (green competencies, carbon accounting, eco-pedagogy, sustainability assessment)
- Become personally and urgently committed to truly transformative and ecoliterate educational programming vis internationalization

Chair: Scott Blair

AIEA Workshop: Making the Case for Internationalization
January 25, 2024; 2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. (ET)

SIOs often need to make a case for internationalization, which requires them to connect the goals of internationalization with the goals of multiple stakeholders.  While individuals may use logic to make that connection, a more resonant strategy is storytelling. In this session, participants will learn to create and tell memorable stories that inform and inspire others.

Participants will: 

- Understand that communication, including storytelling, is an audience-centered endeavor and identify the various audiences for internationalization

- Develop skills to construct, identify and (re)write stories regarding internationalization for specific audiences

- Practice the essential steps in creating and telling a memorable story

Chair:  Paige K Turner
Presenter: Robert Krizek 


AIEA/IIE Workshop: Developing an International Partnership Strategy
February 18, 2024; 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

This workshop explores how your institution can develop a purposeful international partnership strategy that results in an effective portfolio of linkages that advance the institution, engage a wide range of faculty, staff, and students, and can be sustained over time. Experienced practitioners provide research findings, practical knowledge, and models for establishing the goals, criteria, policies, supports, and processes that foster partnership success and bring clarity and intentionality to partnership decision-making. Geared towards international education professionals with several years of experience, especially those who are responsible for partnership building at their institutions, the workshop equips participants with the basics of how to plan, organize, initiate, sustain, and evaluate partnerships between their home institutions and those in other countries.

Participants will:

- Understand the current academic partnership landscape and current ways of defining international academic partnerships.
- Learn methods for preparing your campus for partnerships and setting a partnership strategy.
- Learn about ways to initiate, expand, sustain, and evaluate partnerships.

Chair: Sylvia Jons
Presenters: Tim Barnes, Clare Overmann, Susan Buck Sutton

AIRC/AIEA Workshop: Global Student Recruitment: Data, Standards, and Trends Update for the Senior International Officer
February 18, 2024; 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Ensure your recruitment strategy data-driven and informed by the most recent research, standards, and trends through participation in this workshop. Gain valuable insights from the AIEA, AIRC, and NACAC US International Student Recruitment and Enrollment Field surveys, which offer data on student matters, staff dynamics, organizational structures, finances, recruitment channels, advocacy, and institution-agency partnerships. Participants will also learn about the latest AIRC Standards for International Enrollment Management, encompassing mission, effectiveness, marketing, admissions, and student support. These standards provide essential guidance for higher education institutions. The workshop will also explore the updates in AIRC Standards for Educational Agencies, particularly focusing on international athlete recruitment.

Participants will:

- Learn the results of benchmarking survey data for international student recruiting and enrollment.
- Explore AIRC's new comprehensive IEM standards to use as a tool to assess and set goals for current and desired operational aspects of international student enrollment.
- Learn where student interest is for study in the U.S., and how to approach recruitment in these regions.

Chair: Robert Summers
Presenters: Jennifer Wright, Teresa Wise

IEASA/AIEA Workshop: Developing Partnerships with African Institutions
February 18, 2024; 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Join leaders in South African international higher education to explore the partnership landscape in South Africa and beyond and what SIOs need to know about entering into partnerships with African higher education institutions.  Gain insights into establishing mutually beneficial relationships at all levels and hear what African institutions are looking for in a partnership.  Learn tips for developing such relationships, including what works and what doesn't, along with some case study examples.  Leave the workshop with an action plan for next steps in developing a partnership with an African university. 

Participants will:

- Learn about establishing partnerships that are beneficially mutual with African institutions

- Explore case studies and learn from the experiences of past partnerships.

Community Connections

What You Always Wanted to Know About HBCUs But Didn't Want to Ask Wednesday,
Feb. 21, 2024; 1:00 - 5:00 pm; Location: Howard University

AIEA's Community Connections offer conference participants to

  • Gain first-hand insights into the lived experiences of those in a community local to the Annual Conference
  • Develop greater appreciation for and understanding of different perspectives 
  • Identify empowered actions to take in leading inclusive internationalization efforts in participants' respective contexts

Enjoy the energy of Howard University! 

This session begins with a lunch with Howard University students at the University Cafeteria, followed by a short campus tour, as understanding the environs is key to understanding the Howard University community.   After the tour, we will reconvene as a group to begin our afternoon session which will feature story circles with Howard University students, faculty and staff.  Story circles will provide insight into the perspectives of HBCU stakeholders as participants consider how to engage with these institutions or how you might engage with different stakeholders on your campus.

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